Monday, November 13, 2006

Weekend Highlights

I was sick this weekend so I spent the majority of my time sitting on the sofa watching movies, reading and listening to NPR. Here are a few things that kept me entertained:

Obituary for Ms. Pudding: This segment from Saturday's Weekend Edition actually made me cry. I immediately grabbed my cat and gave her a good ear scratching. You know, just in case.

Adventures at Poo Corner: If I were older and funnier, I think I would be David Sedaris. This story from This American Life deals with America's hidden plague: pooping in public.

Wordplay: I'm not good at crosswords, but I loved watching other people do them in this documentary. As an added bonus you get to see Jon Stewart and Bill Clinton, two men whom I greatly admire.

Art School Confidential: A very dark comedy starring Anjelica Huston and John Malkovich. Very entertaining and particularly amusing if you were an art major or had a lot of friends who were in college. I swear I went to school with some of the people in this movie.

The Know-It-All: Author A.J. Jacobs reads the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica and learns a little about himself in the process. A very fun read. Makes me want to take on some enormous project and write a book about it. I mean, if this A.J. guy can get a book deal...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: What does it say about me that I sort of feel sorry for Nurse Ratched?

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