Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New York Times: Young Doctors Strut Too Much of Their Stuff

The New York Time takes a look at trend among young doctors: dressing down. I personally don't think this is a trend unique to doctors. I have seen many a nurse dressed in a less than professional manner. My biggest pet peeve is the cartoon scrub top. Many of my nursing colleagues feel the need to express themselves by wearing scrub tops adorned with Tweety Bird or (worse) Sponge Bob. Unless you're working in pediatrics, I really don't see how this is appropriate.

My hospital thankfully forbids scrubs with cartoon prints, so for the most part everyone looks presentable. Some folks do seem to have a problem with massive amounts of wrinkles. Do they not own an iron? Just because your scrubs look like pajamas, doesn't mean you are allowed to look like you just rolled out of bed.

I think the trend in society is for everyone to be more casual. Less people dress up for occasions that were once considered very formal. I went to a wedding a couple of years ago and a young man was wearing shorts. Here in Portland, it is acceptable to go to the theatre in hiking boots and jeans. I'm not suggesting we go back to the days of men wearing ties and women wearing dresses every day. I personally have never understood the neck tie and hate wearing one. I just wish people would try a little harder when it comes to their appearance. Stop wearing flip flops everywhere! How about putting on a collared shirt every once in awhile? Oh, and while your tossing out those Sponge Bob scrub tops, how about getting rid of that Bugs Bunny neck tie? That was never a good idea.


Iris said...

Personally, I think the cartoon scrub tops are fine....whether you work pediatrics or not. Why? Because the patients like them. It makes them smile. I am all for making my patients smile.

On that note, I will go IRON my Snoopy top and get it ready for work tonight......*G*

Dead Nurse said...

I'm all for making my patients happy, however I think there are better ways of doing it. Nurses have worked so hard to be viewed as "competent professionals", yet we insist on wearing these silly scrub tops. Professionals should look the part and I don't think a cartoon print scrub top is a very professional look.

That being said, go warm up your iron and have a good night at work. :-)

Iris said...

Good point, but how professional does one look when they are up to their elbows in any number of bodily fluids anyway....might was well do it with flair! *LOL*

I do see your point, completely

Mother Jones RN said...

Ok, I'm really going to date myself here, and everyone will think I'm out of my mind, but like wearing a white uniform when I'm working on a medical unit. I’d also wear a cap if didn’t have thinning hair. I think a white uniform look professional and patients have an easier time identifying me as a nurse. Yes, I’m an old dinosaur, so tell me something I don’t already know.


Unknown said...

I LOVE the old white nurse uniforms...how elegant the world must have been in the days when men wore hats and women wore gloves and freshmen did not wear pajamas to class...ah, for the old days that I am, thankfully, too young to remember...

oh, btw, dead nurse, I will not be getting in until midnight on Monday...grrr