Tuesday, September 19, 2006

To sleep, perchance to dream...

Working nights for the last year, I have gotten rather used to spending most days in a perpetual state of "not-having-had-enough-sleep". This last week it has been particularly bad. What with my grandmothers death and waking up at 3am to catch flights into and out of Connecticut, I have been lucky to get about five hours of rest each night.

Last night I decided that it was time to take control of the situation. I took a Unisom (nothing more than Benadryl in wolf's clothing) and passed the fuck out. I woke up this morning, approximately 10 hours after getting into bed feeling incredibly refreshed. For the first time in about a week my head actually feels clear and I'm not walking around with that "fuzzy brain" feeling. While I don't usually like taking drugs to help me sleep, I think that it was a good idea this time.

So how am I going to spend this wonderful day after having had such a restful sleep? I'm going to spend it doing several loads of laundry. I suppose I could have had a "fuzzy brain" for doing that.

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