Monday, October 09, 2006


I have decided to make a couple of changes. First and foremost, I have changed the name of my site. I discovered that there was another site on blogger with the name 'Vermicious Knid' and it bugged me. The name had no meaning to me, so I thought I'd just go ahead and come up with another. The new one isn't really any more meaningful, but I like it a little more. We'll see how it works out.
The second change I've made is to remove my name from the site. I have said a few things about my job and patients and thought it would be wise to remain relatively anonymous. I obviously don't plan on breaking any patient confidentiality here, but I figured it would be a good idea to keep my name off the site in case anyone from my work should happen across here. I also realize that it would probably be relatively easy for someone to figure out who I am if they REALLY wanted to, but I'm just not going to make it TOO easy for them. So no personal photos kids!
That is all...

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