I want to send a special thanks to M.J. over at Nurse Ratched’s Place for linking to me this week. This marks the very first time someone has linked to this blog (as far as I know).
A few years ago, I had another blog that I updated with relative frequency (the now defunct Todd’s Web Page Dot Com). I would occasionally write something clever, but it was essentially just a collection of links that I liked. I made the mistake early on of adding a traffic counter so that I could monitor visitors to my site. I gradually lost focus on the writing and more concerned with the traffic I was generating. I became obsessed with my “stats” and checked them numerous times throughout the day. I tried to devise ways to increase traffic to my site and would link to sites I liked hoping that they would return the favor. When someone didn’t add me to their site or worse yet, removed me I would become distraught. Didn’t they like me? Did they think I was stupid? I felt like that awkward kid with thick glasses that I was in the sixth grade; standing in the lunch room, holding my tray, hoping that someone would invite me to sit at their table. I felt shy, vulnerable, and entirely too self conscious.
When I started this site, I pledged not to fall back into my old habits. I wanted an outlet for my creativity, an area of my life that had long been neglected. I decided that I would write for myself without concern for who may or may not be reading. I wasn’t going to give it a theme or focus on a particular aspect of my life. I would just write about things I thought were interesting or funny. This has led to a few entries that my boyfriend has referred to as “embarrassing” (see here and here), but for the most part I have kept my promise. I am slowly discovering my voice and am often surprised by what it has to say.
I did add a stat counter last month, but have been careful to not focus on how many visitors I get. I’m thrilled that someone might like what I have to say, but I am not guided by those numbers. If you’re new here, welcome! If you’re a return visitor, thanks for your support and I hope you continue to come back. I don’t know where I’ll take this site, but I just hope that I can continue to write with honesty and openness. If I have a few visitors along the way, then great. If not, then that’s alright too.
I see where you are coming from here. This is my first visit to your blog. As a nurse too, I have been trying to honor my fellow nurse bloggers and visit their sites.....hoping to get some back in return. I agree that the creativity is number one, but damnit, if no one is reading it...... you know the adage....
If a nurse blogs on the internet and no one is there to read it, is it really a blog?
Oh well....
Good point. I suppose I could just as easily write in a private journal if I truly wasn't concerned with readers. I guess I just figure that if I focus on the content then a few folks will evenutally find their way here and stick around for a little while.
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