Friday, November 10, 2006

Whistling Dixie

Last night A. and I saw the Dixie Chicks in concert. We had fabulous seats and the girls didn’t disappoint. They put on a great show and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. What was most interesting about the evening was how the girls haven’t softened the voicing of their political opinions since the fallout two years ago when singer Natalie Maines declared that she was ashamed that George W. Bush was from Texas. Personally, I thought the whole thing was just insane. Country music fans holding rallies where they crushed Dixie Chicks CD’s and declared that the girls should be strapped to a bomb and dropped on Iraq. So much for land of the free, eh?

At last night’s show, Natalie was very vocal about her pleasure at the Democratic party capturing the House and Senate in Tuesday’s election. The crowd roared its agreement as she stated “in two more years, the last one will be gone.” She offered an “apology” to any Republicans that may have been in the audience, stating “you knew what you were getting into when you walked in the door.”

I’m thrilled that the Dixie Chicks never apologized and continue to speak their mind. They have captured the anger that so many of us feel about the current administration. When Tuesday’s election was mentioned, I cheered along with the crowd. I truly am so excited about the prospect of a Democratic Senate and House of Representatives. For the first time since George W. Bush was elected, I feel a sense of hope about this country. I feel optimistic about the future and look forward to the next two years.

A side note to all Democrats currently in office: if you disappoint me, I will personally come to your office and bitch slap you.

1 comment:

Mother Jones RN said...

If the Dems screw up, I'll go with you when you smack them.