Friday, May 30, 2008


Today I wore a pedometer at work. I was curious to see how many steps I actually took in an average day. I set the pedometer to start when I exited my car and stopped it when I got back in my car at the end of the day.

The results?

After a 10 hour day I took 8,133 steps. I was actually expecting it to be much more. There's this movement of sort that says you should take 10,000 steps each day. I was really expecting to hit the 10,000 mark easily in 10 hours.

I researched a little how many miles 8,133 steps was. According to The Walking Site:
The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles.
So I walked about 4.1 miles. Since I was expecting more steps, I'm going to repeat this little experiment tomorrow. Today I was the charge nurse, which meant I hung around at the nurses station a bit more. Tomorrow I will have a full patient assignment. If my hunch is correct, I'll be hitting that 10,000 mark.

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