Having used PC's for the last 15 years, I have found the transition to a Mac a bit disconcerting. I feel like a man lost in a foreign country in which I don't know the language. Actually, it's more like I picked up and moved to the foreign country without knowing the language and not being prepared for the many cultural differences. (Ok, I guess I've beat that metaphor to death...)
The differences are pretty remarkable. First, I can say that as far as style goes the Mac beats the PC hands down. Macs are just nicer to look at and the operating system is ever so stylish. The initial boot up on the Mac also trumps that of the PC. While I sit for what seems like 15 minutes waiting for my PC to load, my Mac starts right up without any trouble.
My current problem is getting used to the new software I have to use. I have grown quite comfortable with the many offerings of Microsoft and getting used to new programs is a bit like saying goodbye to that friend who kind of always gets on your nerves but whom you always thought would be around. (I know, I know...enough with the fucking metaphors!) I haven't quite figured out how to get my gmail account working with iMail, I can't seem to import my Outlook contacts, and I haven't even attempted to deal with my calendar. As of this point, my new luxury laptop as been nothing more than a very expensive DVD player. Although I must say that I could get used to the idea of watching movies anywhere I go.
I know that I will one day grow to love my new Mac. I will eventually figure out everything it has to offer me and I will become one of those fanatical Mac users who spits at the mention of Bill Gates. For now I will continue to struggle with my new friend and hope that our relationship grows quickly like so many great romances in history. And I promise that was my last metaphor.
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