This is Jasper:
Jasper was an Easter gift given to me by the boyfriend several years ago. For the last seven years or so, Jasper has lived on our bed and served as an extra pillow, cuddle friend and occasional cat bed. The boyfriend and I have had to endure several disparaging comments about "grown men sleeping with a stuffed animal", but Jasper has kept his spot on the bed.
Unfortunately, it seems that Jasper's time is coming to an end. He has developed a small tear by his leg. Each morning while making the bed, I find pieces of his stuffed rabbit guts scattered among the sheets. While part of me wants to try and save Jasper, another part feels like it's time to say good bye. The part of this tale that is particularly pathetic is that I simply can't bear to throw him away. I somehow feel like I will be throwing away a friend and that...well...Jasper will be sad.
Now what part of this whole scenario is more odd? The fact that a grown man still sleeps with a giant stuffed rabbit, or that he can't rid of the rabbit because he doesn't want to hurt the rabbit's feelings?