Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pumpkin Watch: Day 7

Day Seven, originally uploaded by twarlik.

Today was planting day at the pumpkin patch. If the seed package is to be believed, I only have 93 days until harvest. Woo, hoo!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pumpking Watch: Day 6

Day Six, originally uploaded by twarlik.

Tomorrow: Planting day!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Pumpkin Watch: Day 4

First signs of life, originally uploaded by twarlik.

My pumpkins have started to grow! I am just so excited. I can't wait until they are big enough to carve. I suppose I've got a little bit of time until that will be possible...

Friday, May 25, 2007

My pumpkin patch

Seeds, originally uploaded by twarlik.

I have decided to grow pumpkins this year.

Never having grown pumpkins before (or anything else for that matter), I am preparing myself for everything to die. However, I am going to work very hard to have several jack o'lantern grade pumpkins in time for Halloween.

I will be documenting my attempt through pictures. Stay tuned for future updates!

Monday, May 21, 2007

View from the top

100_0592.JPG, originally uploaded by twarlik.

This was taken from the condo we're staying at in Chicago. It is an incredible view.


American Gothic, originally uploaded by twarlik.

I'm on vacation in Chicago and enjoying some lovely artwork. More when I return...